Monday, November 4, 2019

The New Changes in the Structure and Administration of the Business Research Paper - 68

The New Changes in the Structure and Administration of the Business - Research Paper Example The merging of the three businesses in the UK has strained the managers’ efforts towards establishing an effective workforce body. With the new structure, some of the employees have to be retrenched since tasks have been redistributed. In addition, the number of departments has been reduced significantly. Before the merge, each business had an established structure of various departments and offices. In addition, the three businesses had varied categories of employees in the various established departments. However, after the merger, the operations of the three business were brought together under one management. Some departments were merged, and others eliminated in the new system. Due to the reduced number of departments, a huge number of employees have been retrenched, and others given lower positions than the ones they held in their previous respective business settings. In this regard, it can be observed that the new structure of the human resource has led to the loss of jobs and decline in earnings for some employees. The new structure of the UMGUK requires employees to work together with an aim to boost performance. Adjusting to the new system is a challenging HR issue that the company faces. The employees of UMGUK are not used to the new system and, therefore, the company cannot realize the benefits of the new structure fully in the first phase of implementation. In this regard, the HR department is tasked with the responsibility of ensuring that the employees get acquainted with the new system with the shortest time possible.

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